A Guide to Photographing Texas Bluebonnets

senior pictures in a bluebonnet field

When our photographers are not in the field photographing students, we are photographing other places and things of interest. If you didn’t know already, Spring in Texas is a magical time when the landscape comes alive with vibrant wildflowers, and the iconic Texas bluebonnets steal the show. These beautiful blue blooms create a picturesque backdrop, making them a favorite subject for photographers. If you're eager to capture the essence of Texas in your photos, here's a guide on how to take stunning pictures with Texas bluebonnets.

Timing is Everything

Bluebonnets typically bloom from late March to early May, with the peak occurring in April. To capture the bluebonnets at their best, plan your photo shoot during this window. Keep an eye on local wildflower reports to pinpoint the best locations and ensure you don't miss the bloom.

Choose the Right Location

Texas bluebonnets can be found throughout the state, but some areas are more famous for their stunning displays. Popular spots include the Texas Hill Country, Ennis, Texas, and the Brenham area—scout different locations to find the best fields and backdrops for your photos.

Golden Hour Magic

The soft, warm light during the golden hour, shortly after sunrise or before sunset, enhances the beauty of the bluebonnets and adds a magical touch to your photos. Avoid the harsh midday sun, which can create harsh shadows and wash out the vibrant blue hues.

Compose Thoughtfully

When framing your shot, consider the composition to create visually appealing images. Experiment with different angles, perspectives, and focal lengths to find the best way to showcase the bluebonnets. Include elements like trees, fences, or rustic structures to add depth and interest to your photos.

Get Down Low

To truly immerse your audience in the sea of blue, get down low and shoot from a low angle. This perspective allows you to capture the intricate details of the bluebonnets and creates a captivating foreground against the sky or surrounding landscape.

Add a Pop of Color

While the bluebonnets are the stars of the show, consider adding pops of complementary colors to your photos. Dressing your subjects in contrasting colors or including colorful accessories can create a visually dynamic composition.

Pay Attention to the Depth of Field

Use a wide aperture (low f-stop) to create a shallow depth of field, isolating the bluebonnets in the foreground and creating a pleasing bokeh effect. This technique helps draw attention to the main subject while softening the background.

Be Mindful of the Environment

Respect the natural beauty of the bluebonnets and their surroundings. Avoid trampling on the flowers, and be aware of local guidelines and regulations when photographing in public or private areas.


Photographing Texas bluebonnets is a delightful way to celebrate the beauty of spring in the Lone Star State. By timing your visit, selecting the right location, and employing thoughtful composition techniques, you can capture stunning images that showcase the charm of these iconic wildflowers. So grab your camera, head to a bluebonnet-filled field, and let the beauty of Texas inspire your photography.

Capturing Fireworks Magic with Your Camera Phone

Fireworks Display

When not photographing students in the field, we also like to take pictures of places and things. Here are helpful tips from our top PTP photographers about how to capture the best New Year's Eve fireworks displays using your camera phone. Get ready to light up your social media with stunning fireworks photos this New Year's Eve.

1. Clean Your Lens: Before you start, make sure your phone lens is smudge-free for crisp, clear shots.

2. Turn Off Flash: Fireworks are all about natural light! Turn off your phone's flash to avoid overexposure and let the fireworks shine.

3. Steady Hand or Tripod: Keep those shots sharp by stabilizing your phone. Hold it steady or consider using a tripod for even better results.

4. HDR Mode: If your phone has High Dynamic Range (HDR) mode, turn it on. It helps capture a wider range of light, perfect for those vibrant bursts in the night sky.

5. Manual Focus: Tap on the screen to manually focus on the fireworks. This can prevent your camera from trying to refocus during the show.

6. Use Burst Mode: Anticipate the perfect moment by using burst mode. Hold the shutter button to capture a series of shots, then choose your favorite later.

7. Experiment with Settings: Play around with your phone camera settings. Adjust exposure, ISO, and white balance to find the optimal combination for your location.

8. Capture the Surroundings: Don't forget to include some of the surroundings in your shots for context. Cityscapes, silhouettes, or reflections can add depth to your photos.

9. Shoot in Landscape Mode: For a wider and more cinematic feel, turn your phone sideways and shoot in landscape mode.

10. There Edit for Enhancement: After the show, use photo editing apps to enhance colors, contrast, and sharpness. But remember, less is often more!

Remember, practice makes perfect! Have fun experimenting and capturing those breathtaking moments. Please share your best shots below on our Facebook post about fireworks photography and let's make this New Year's Eve unforgettable!

National Yearbook Week

Get ready to turn the pages of nostalgia! It’s National Yearbook Week Through October 7th!

This day is all about celebrating the memories, friendships, and adventures captured in the yearbooks that have stood the test of time. Here are some fun ways to mark this special occasion:

Yearbook Flashback: Dust off your old yearbooks or ask friends to bring theirs, and spend some time reminiscing about the good ol' days. Share your favorite memories and stories.

Yearbook Signing Party: Host a yearbook signing party with friends or colleagues. Re-create the high school tradition of signing each other's yearbooks, even if it's been years since you graduated.

Yearbook Photo Challenge: Post a throwback photo from your yearbook and challenge your friends to do the same. Use a unique hashtag like #YearbookMemories to collect all the memories.

Yearbook Awards: Create funny or nostalgic yearbook-style awards for your friends and family. Who was the class clown? Who had the best style? Get creative with your superlatives!

Yearbook Swap: If you have yearbooks from different years or schools, consider organizing a yearbook swap with friends. It's a great way to see how things have changed over the years.

Yearbook Craft Projects: Use your yearbook photos for craft projects like making personalized bookmarks, magnets, or even a collage. Get your creative juices flowing!

Yearbook Donations: Donate your old yearbooks to a local library or school. Your memories could inspire others and become a part of someone else's cherished moments.

Virtual Reunion: If you can't physically meet up with your yearbook buddies, set up a virtual reunion on Zoom or another video conferencing platform. Share stories and catch up.

Yearbook Scavenger Hunt: Create a list of items or memories to find in your yearbooks and challenge your friends to a yearbook scavenger hunt.

Yearbook Selfie: Take a selfie with your yearbook and share it on social media with a heartfelt caption about the impact of yearbooks on your life.

Remember, National Yearbook Day is all about celebrating the people, places, and moments that have shaped us. So, get ready to stroll down memory lane and share the love for yearbooks on October 7th!